Chosen song for music video
Dua Lipa- Lost in your light
We chose this song as when we sat together discussing songs, artists and genres that we liked, many of Dua Lipa's songs were a favoured option. We chose this particular song as it is one of her less well known songs which we thought would make it easier when making our own video as we wouldn't be tempted to look at the video for ideas. We both love so many of Dua Lipa's songs as they are up beat, passionate and portray a powerful meaning of empowerment, love and relationships which we both felt that we related too and could make a personal connection too, even more so with 'Lost in your light'. The climax and chorus of the song really made us feel a connection with the song and made us feel so many positive emotions. Dua Lipa is one of our favourite artists, we love that she is a new artist to the indie/dark pop genre and that she is doing so well and producing so many powerful, meaningful songs. From her music and the way she portrays herself on social media, she seems genuine, who has ambitions to be her own individual person with such strength which her audience can look up too. As we were looking further into Dua Lipa's music we noticed that she came under the dark pop genre, a sub genre of pop that I hadn't come across before. this intrigued us further and we hope that we can correctly portray this video in our music video.
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